PA Elite Recruiting Profile
Here are some things your athletes should be doing at this time:
1. Each athlete should have a list of realistic target school. (7-10 schools)
Do your research! Look into schools with majors you are interested in. Look at the teams roster!
Understand if you want to be local or far away from home
Don’t get get caught up is D1, D2, D3.
Find a school that if for whatever reason volleyball would disappear, you would still love the school.
2. Get coaches your tournament schedules!! This is HUGE.
All college coaches are familiar with AES, but do not make them search for you! Send screen shots of your schedule, the color uniform you are wearing, and jersey numbers!
Don’t be afraid to seek schools from further away. Almost all tournaments have live-streaming which college coaches have free access to. Get those views! *See Step 5 below on "how to email a coach"
3. Get film! Film is a crucial part of recruiting. Coaches will ask for film to gage their interest in a player.
Some Tips:
Use a tripod and preferably an iPad for clear film.
Make sure it is easy to see you!
Music is not necessary.
Highlight live game rallies but also individual skills (setting, hitting, serving, passing, digging, etc.)
No more than 5 min long.
Send your highlight tape to coaches of schools you are interested in. Make sure they can open it! Once they view this, they may request full game film, but always start with a highlight. *See Step 5 below on "how to email a coach"
4. Social media can be you best friend and worst enemy!
Social media can be a great platform to market yourself and get viral. However, you need to understand that your social media will be picked through with a fine tooth comb by a college coach. Anything they deem to be inappropriate could cost you a spot in their program. Keep your social media private if you can’t follow these rules.
Use your social media for positive! Post pictures with your team, highlights of you playing, podium posts, and practice reps.
5. Emailing a coach!
Send it yourself. DO NOT let the email come from your parents. Coaches are looking for players take initiative.
Make sure you check all your spelling/grammar and address any staff member PROFESSIONALY. (Mr. or Ms.)
Allow coaches to know about your volleyball history as well as your interest in the school and why.
Discuss your academic status.
Attach film and your club schedule.
Include a proper email signature goodbye.
Any athletes who are interested in recruiting should 100 percent have the following FREE memberships:
University Athlete: https://universityathlete.com/#/
NCSA: https://www.ncsasports.org
FieldLevel: https://www.fieldlevel.com/app/feed
Link to Rules and Recruiting Calendar: https://www.ncsasports.org/womens-volleyball/recruiting-rules-calendar
NCAA Division 1 volleyball recruiting rules
The NCAA Division 1 volleyball recruiting rules restrict when and how D1 volleyball coaches can actively start communicating with prospects. The most important date for D1 volleyball players is June 15 after their sophomore year. At this point, coaches can extend verbal offers and are allowed almost all forms of communication.
Recruiting questionnaires, camp invites, NCAA materials and non-athletic publications: Any time
Verbal Scholarship Offers: June 15 after sophomore year
Private correspondence (phone calls, emails, texts, instant messages, DMs, faxes): June 15 after sophomore year
Official and unofficial visits: August 1 before junior year
Off-campus contact: August 1 before junior year
NCAA Division 2 volleyball recruiting rules
The most important date in the NCAA Division 2 volleyball recruiting rules is June 15 after sophomore year of high school. At this time all contact is permitted.
Recruiting questionnaires, camp brochures and non-athletic publications: Any time
Unofficial visits: Any time, unlimited
Verbal Scholarship Offers: June 15 after sophomore year
Private correspondence (phone calls, emails, texts, instant messages, DMs, faxes): June 15 after sophomore year
Official visits: June 15 before junior year
In-person, off-campus contact: June 15 before junior year
NCAA Division 3 volleyball recruiting rules
D3 volleyball colleges have the most relaxed NCAA recruiting rules of all the division levels. Most contact is allowed at any time and recruits are only restricted in when they can start taking official visits and have off-campus contact with coaches.
Recruiting materials: Athletes can receive recruiting materials at any time.
Phone calls and electronic communications: There is no limit on when college coaches can call or digitally message athletes.
Unofficial visits: Any time, unlimited
Off-campus contact: After the athlete’s sophomore year, college coaches may begin to conduct off-campus contact.
Official visits: Athletes can begin taking official visits after January 1 of their junior year.
Any other questions? Feel free to email us (paelitevb@gmail.com) or ask your coach directly! A variety of our coaches played at multiple different college levels and are more than willing to help.